As the cold weather approaches, you might be wondering how often you should change your furnace filter. The answer, unfortunately, isn’t as simple as a specific time frame. In this blog post, T&T Plumbing & Heating, Inc. dives into how often furnace filters should be changed, factors that can cause the need to change your air filter more frequently, and instructions for replacing your furnace filter.

Why Is It Important to Change Your Furnace Filter Regularly?

Protect Your HVAC System

Over time, air filters in a furnace or air conditioner become clogged, restricting airflow and making it harder for air to pass through the HVAC system. As a result, your furnace and air conditioning must work harder to push more air through the heating and cooling system, leading to higher energy costs and increasing wear and tear to your HVAC equipment. A dirty filter can restrict airflow enough to cause the heat exchanger and other HVAC system components to overheat, leading to system failure and costly HVAC repair needs.

Failure to change your furnace’s filter regularly can lead to the accumulation of more dust and debris within your HVAC system, as dirty filters can no longer trap dust and other particles. Over time, this gradual buildup can obstruct the airflow causing the heating and cooling equipment to work harder, which consumes more energy and can lead to higher utility bills. 

Furthermore, the accumulation of debris in the heating system can cause more wear and tear on the system’s components, such as the blower and components within the combustion chamber. Unfortunately, this may result in early HVAC system failure.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

A clean furnace filter also helps to maintain good indoor air quality in your home. The furnace filter traps airborne dust, dirt, and other airborne particles as air passes through, preventing them from circulating through the indoor air as well as your HVAC system. 

Dirty furnace filters can lead to poor indoor air quality, which can exacerbate allergies and respiratory issues. When you continue to use a dirty filter, it is no longer able to trap airborne contaminants, so more dust and other contaminants remain within your indoor air supply.

If you change a furnace filter regularly, it can improve your home’s air quality, lower your energy costs, and extend the life of your heating system and air conditioner. It is a simple and cost-effective preventative measure that can save homeowners from headaches and expensive repairs in the long run.

How Often Should You Change a Furnace Filter?

First, let’s talk about how often to change a furnace filter. In general, it’s recommended to change your furnace filter every one to three months. However, the replacement schedule to change the furnace filter can vary based on a few factors, which we will discuss below. As a general rule, if you notice that you have a visibly dirty filter or a clogged filter, it’s time for a replacement.

Now, let’s talk about some factors that can cause the need to change your furnace filter more frequently.

How to Change Your Furnace Filter

So it’s time to change your furnace filter – what now? Here are some step-by-step instructions for replacing your air filter:

  1. Turn off your furnace. It’s important to turn off your furnace before attempting to change your furnace filter. This will prevent any debris or dust from being pulled into your system while you’re making the switch.
  2. Locate your furnace filter. Furnace filters are typically located between the return air duct and the furnace. You may need to remove a filter cover to access the furnace filter compartment.
  3. Remove the old filter. Carefully slide the old furnace filter out of its slot and dispose of it.
  4. Insert the clean filter. Take your new furnace filter and slide it into the slot, making sure that it’s oriented correctly according to any directional arrows on the frame of the furnace filter.
  5. Turn your furnace back on. Once your new filter is securely in place, it’s safe to turn your furnace back on.

Protect Your HVAC System & Improve Air Quality with Regular Furnace Filter Replacement

Changing furnace filters regularly is an important step in maintaining good indoor air quality and preventing potential issues with your heating and cooling system. While the general rule of thumb is to change your filter every one to three months, factors such as pets, smoke, or allergies may require replacing furnace filters more often.

By following our simple instructions, you can easily change furnace filters and keep your home comfortable and healthy all year long. If you need help selecting the right furnace filters for your HVAC system or are looking for indoor air quality solutions for your home, contact T&T Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today.